Cody the Wonder Dog's Favorite Tug Toy
As a crafter, I have a habit of often saving items that others may not find value in. When my kids were younger they would wear the knees out of their jeans. I would crop the jeans and save the legs "for later". I have used them to make various things such as upcycled Christmas tree ornaments or pencil bags...and then the idea hit me. If I sliced 1" strips of blue jean material and braided it together (knotting it at either end), could this be what I was looking for? I set out on a mission, made a braided blue jean pull toy for Cody, and I'm happy to report that it's still fully intact 24 hours later.
Want to make a blue jean pull toy for your power chewer? Follow these step by step instructions and enjoy! (Just wanted to let you all know that personally I am supervising our puppy with any toys - there are possible hazzards associated with anything a puppy/dog can chew.)
Step 1: Gather your materials; I utilized blue jean remnants, a pair of scissors, a rotary cutter and a cutting mat.
Step 2: Since I used legs, I cut the legs at the seam in order to have a flat surface to cut.
Step 3: I used my ruler as a guide to cut approx. 1" strips of fabric.
Step 4: I utilized six strips, tied a knot at the top, and braided them together.
(For increased width I chose to braid with three groups of two strips).
Step 5: I tied off the other end, pulled all of the loose strands off, trimmed any bits that were sticking out and done!
Notes: You can use any length and width of material. I chose a shorter length and width because Cody likes to whip his toys around - this way we are at a smaller risk of getting hit by his toys. As I already mentioned, I am going to make sure that Cody is supervised while chewing on this. I can't lie though - I've already made a second one to throw in the camper!
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